Who We AreJust like the honeybees in nature, The BEEE Group is a social not-for-profit group, which means we work together in large (and small), well-organized fundraisers to meet the goals of the community.
Being a highly evolved social group, we are able to engage in a variety of complex tasks not practiced by the multitude of solitary businesses. | What We DoThe BEEE Hive
Similar to a honeybee colony The BEEE Group consists of several thousand-worker bees cooperating in nest building, food collection, and more. Each member has a definite task to perform, related to its adult age.
The BEEE Group’s provision of education, training, employment, mentoring, and volunteer work are a sample of the sweet produce pollinated. | When We Are ActiveSeasonal Changes:
The activities of our colony vary with the seasons. Importantly, the period from September
to December we consider the beginning of a new mission and the condition of the colony
at this time of year greatly affects its prosperity for the next year.
We have a swarm of projects, fundraisers, and events throughout the year. Read More... |
Where We AreMany people may not know that honey bees are not native to America, and although The BEEE group was founded and specializes in helping American citizens, we pride ourselves in having the resources to help all communities, on an international level.
If you or someone you know needs help getting any of the resources available through our site, please contact:
help@thebeee.com. | Why We Are HereIn Order To Succeed:
For many people, the mention of bees may conjure thoughts of annoyance and fear. Though bees might seem like pests, they play a very important role in the environment because of their role in the pollination of plants. And just like honey bees, The BEEE Group plays a key role in the human and natural world.
With making nests around homes, buzzing around in the garden, and loving salt-water, The BEEE Group will help ...Read More. | How We WorkWe Must Work Together (In Order To Succeed)
The images received by compound eyes (called ommatidia) work together in the insect's brain to give it a very different way of seeing the world. We are not saying that anyone in The BEEE Group has compound eyes, but we do have compound thoughts and we know that every one of us thinks and learns differently.
We work with a limitless number of people from around the world... Read More. |